The Rites of Brigid
Goddess and Saint
Seán Ó Duinn OSB
236 Blz., ISBN 978-1-85607-483-4
The Columba Press, 2013
February 1st was the feast of Imbolg in the old Celtic year and it marked the beginning of Spring.
It was Christianised eventualy and adapted as the Feast of St.Brigid. A large variety of customs and
traditions are still associated with the feast till this day, many of which date back to the pagan Celtic days.
In this book, Seán Ó Duinn OSB, collects these rites and rituals,
describes them and shows their relevance at various stages in history and today. He also identifies the places
and areas associated with particular customs and traditions.
Seán Ó Duinn OSB is a monk of Glenstal and author of
Where Three Streams Meet (The Columba Press).
(Bovenstaande tekst komt van de achterkant van het boek)
This book is written by a Christian monk, so at first I had some reservations. But while reading this book, those disappeared like snow in the sun!
This is a wonderful book, down to earth, well-founded, open minded! I can therefore highly recommend this book! This book is in my top 5 of books about Brigid!