Miscellaneous Studies Towards the Cult of Óðinn
Stephen Grundy
99 Blz., ISBN 978 1 941136 02 7
Published by The Troth, 2014
Originally published by Vikarr, Everett, Washington, 1994
Stephen Grundy wrote The Cult of Óðinn: God of Death? as his doctoral dissertion at
Cambridge University, under the supervision of Dr. Paul Bibire. Due to university restrictions on the
length of his dissertation, a great deal of material that Dr.Grundy wrote for it had to be cut.
This was published seperately, under the title Miscellaneous Studies Towards the Cult of Óðinn,
by a small private press in 1994; copies have been almost impossible to come by for many years.
The Troth is honored to have been granted permission to republish Miscellaneous Studies Towards the Cult of Óðinn.
The book can stand on its own and may be read as such, but it was written as a companion volume to
The Cult of Óðinn: God of Death? which has also been republished by the Troth.
Although written almost twenty years ago, Miscellaneous Studies Towards the Cult of Óðinn
remains a thorough and informative synthesis of the source materials, both literary and folkloric, on the
enigmatic god of the early medieval Norse and related peoples. We hope it will inspire and inform all those
who, for whatever reason, feel called to try to understand Óðinn in the many forms that he has taken.
- Ben Waggoner, Publications Director, The Troth, June 2014
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