Gods of the Germanic Peoples
From Roman times to the Viking Age with 100 new myths by Lucia Jochimsdatter
Gunivortus Goos (GardenStone)
Book 1 = 328 Blz., ISBN 978-3-7347-3201-0
Book 2 = 311 Blz., ISBN 978-3-7347-3391-8
Published by Gunivortus Goos, 2014
A comprehensive work about Germanic deities from a period that comprises the Germanic peoples
from the first centuries after the turn of the eras up to the end of the Viking times.
History, mythology and folklore passed down to us many names of Gods and Goddesses who can be
considered to have been worshiped by Germanic peoples. Nonetheless, a high degree of uncertainly
exists about the reliability of the sources from Classical Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and later
centuries. In addition, the etymological reconstructions also are far from established fact.
Although we have to live with theories, hypotheses, assumptions, proposals and conjectures concerning
the information we have about those deities, exploring this kind of knowledge remains fascinating.
This work offers the results of scientific research about approx. 270 Germanic Gods and Goddesses,
supplemented with many short fictional stories and many illustrations, which complete the information
in a much more lively presentation.
Book 1 = page 1 - 314 Book 2 = page 315 - 644
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