Gods and Goddesses of Wales
A Practical introduction to Welsh deities and their stories
Halo Quin
106 Blz., ISBN 978-1-78535-621-6
Moon Books - Pagan Portals, 2019
An introduction to Welsh deities through traditional myths and practical exercises
Written by a practising witch, living in the heart of Wales and working with the deities woven into the land,
this book contains the major stories and backgrounds for the Gods and Goddesses of the heartland of the Druids.
Within its pages you will find information on the major deities and where their stories can be found, alongside
suggestions on how to connect with them and weave relationships with them into a modern pagan practice.
Halo Quin has been a practising Faery witch since she was a child and is the author of Your Faery Magic.
She is a devotee of the Faery Queen, a lover of the Welsh gods, a storyteller, philosopher, artist and the
Ringleader of the Goblin Circus.
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