The Goddess Obscured
Transformation of the Grain Protectress from Goddess to Saint
Pamala Berger
173 Blz., ISBN 0 8070 6723 7
Beacon Press, Boston 1985
Goddess lore has persisted throughout the history of civilization.
In The Goddess Obscured Pamala Berger traces one particular mythic figure, the grain protectress, and
demonstrates how this figure was revered by many cultures. Drawing upon ancient artifacts, medieval sculpture
and painting, as well as folklore, poetry, and drama, Berger recounts the story of the grain protectress and
documents the significance of an image that has persisted from the ancient Near East to the classical world,
from the Mediterranean to the Celtic and Germanic north, from paganism into Christianity, from the Middle Ages
into the Renaissance, and still survives in folksongs and village celebrations of today.
"Lucid and engrossing... continually stimulating. Goddess imagery has been supressed again and again,
but it has also persistently given fresh meaning to religious life. To seekers of ways to envision deity
as genderless, Berger´s work is essential."
- Boston Globe
"An interesting and well written book." - Journal of Medieval History
"Richly illustrated, Berger´s brilliant and absorbing study illuminates the ways deep-rooted
beliefs and practices can persist into modern times." - Publishers Weekly
Pamala Berger is associate professor of art history at Boston College.
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