Hidden Goddess of the Celts
P.D. MacKenzie Cook
325 Blz., ISBN 978 1 905297 96 2
Avalonia Books, 2016
Epona: Hidden Goddess of the Celts reflects the importance of gender in ancient religion,
and the author explores the primacy of the Feminine through Epona´s sovereignty as Horse Goddess
among the Celts. Additionally he examines her identity as "Mistress of Animals" in her
love affairs and working relationships, and the surprising role she apparently played in the ancient
Greek and Roman Mysteries.
P.D. Mackenzie Cook´s unique study of Epona positions her in a broad cross-cultural context.
The story he presents is at the same time historical, speculative, and deeply personal at once a scholarly survey,
intriguing detective story, and spiritual message to be taken to heart. The author offers fresh and
original perspectives on Epona´s historical origins and her "birth" in human form.
He explores her early presence in southern Italy; investigates her probable identity as "Macha"
in Ireland and "Rhiannon" in Wales as well as her indirect influences on the ideals of chivalry
and courtly love in the Middle Ages. We are then introduced to Epona´s possible presence in a set of
mysterious caves in the New World, and finally to her rediscovery by present-day equestrians, and in the
personal lives and accounts of modern priestesses and men devoted to her.
Written by someone whose "Celtic bones" resonate deeply with Epona, his talents as scholar,
story-teller and poet-seer all contribute to this, the first full-length book in English devoted entirely
to this fascinating Goddess. Epona: Hidden Goddess of the Celts is dedicated to the hidden goddess in every
woman, and to men who genuinely love them in all their depth, complexity and nuance.
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