The Cult of Óðdinn: God of Death?
Stephan Grundy
254 Blz., ISBN 978 1 941136 00 3
Troth Publications, 2014
Stephen Grundy wrote The Cult of Óðdinn: God of Death? as his
doctoral dissertation at Cambridge University, under the supervision of Dr. Paul Bibire,
receiving his PhD in 1995. In the nearly twenty years since this dissertation was written,
there have been new archaeological discoveries, fresh analyses of well-known texts, and new
opinions formed and promulgated. The last word on Óðdinn has not been said, and
probably never will be. Nonetheless, Dr. Grundy´s work is a masterful symthesis of the
huge literature on the enigmatic god. Unfortunately , the dissertation has been rather hard
to find, and it's a shame that such an immense amount of research is not more widely available.
With Dr. Grundy´s permission, the Troth is proud and glad to make it available to the
public once more, both to the community of Heathens (modern worshipers of the Germanic deities
and reconstructors of their living religion) and to all scholars of religion, folklore, and
mythology. We thank him for his generous gift. May it continue to serve and inspire readers
for many years to come!
- Ben Waggoner, Publications Director, The Troth, May 2014.
(Bovenstaande tekst komt van de inleiding in het boek)