The Cailleach
Rachel Patterson
91 Blz., ISBN 978 1 78535 322 2
Moon Books - Pagan Portals, 2016
The Cailleach - goddess of the ancestors, wisdom that comes with age, the weather, time, shape-shifting and winter.
Within the pages of this book Rachel Patterson gives the reader an introduction to the mysteries, myths, legends and
magic of the ancient hag goddess The Cailleach, drawing upon ancient legends, stories told and her own experiences.
"Pagan Portals - The Cailleach is one of those rare books that perfectly balances folklore and modern
interpretations to create a vision of the ancient Crone Goddess which is both grounded and visionary.
The author´s wit and engaging writing style make the re-tellings of old stories fun, while her honest presentation
of information invites the reader to think and draw their own conclusions. A must read for anyone interested in the
- Morgan Daimler, author of Pagan Portals - The Morrigan, Pagan Portals - Brigid, and Fairycraft
Rachel Patterson is High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven and an Elder of the Kitchen Witch School of Natural Witchcraft.
A Green/Kitchen Witch with an added dash of hedgewitch and folk magic. She lives in Portsmouth, UK.
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