Brigid's Mantle

A Celtic Dialogue Between Pagan & Christian

Lilly Weichbergen & Kenneth McIntosh

154 Pages, ISBN 978 1 62524 811 4     
Published by Anamchara Books, 2020     

Drawing on their practices of Celtic Paganism and Celtic Christianity, Lilly Weichberger and Kenneth McIntosh offer that most rare treat, a discussion of faith and hope straight from the heart and soul without the baggage of agendas of "conversion," "convincing," or "arguing." The Pagan elements are nicely elucidated from a historical perspective, without fluff or emotional excesses. Also thankfully absent in the Christian discussion is any sense of pomposity or harsh judgement, merely an open, giving wonder at the beauty of creation and those that walk in it. This book is a gift of simple teaching, without tired platitudes and mindless dogma, a treasure of a story that warms, comforts, and gently challenges seekers on any path.
- John Larson, Poet and Shaman

I felt as if I were sitting in between Lilly and Kenneth as they conversed. As someone who seeks to stand on the bridge between pagans and Christians, I found the concept of Brigid's Mantle as the cloak under which we can meet both helpful and inspiring. Both authors remained true to their own positions but acknowledged that there is far more common ground than perhaps many from both sides of the discussion are willing to admit.
- Diana Greenfield, Church of England New Age Evangelist

(The text above comes from the back of the book)     


A pagan practitioner of "Celtic Shamanism" and a Christian pastor are in conversation in the book, with Brighid acting as a bridge. Sometimes a somewhat strange and one-sided picture of paganism is painted; as if it were one uniform religion. Celtic culture is also treated as one monolithic culture. I would not recommend this book.
