The Book of the Great QueenThe many faces of The Morrigan, Morpheus Ravenna487 Blz., ISBN 978 0 9903927 1 2
Concrescent Press, Richmond CA, USA 2015
John Beckett - Druid and blogger, Under the Ancient Oaks
Morpheus Ravenna´s The Book of the Great Queen fills a definite need for modern devotees of The Morrigan and Her Sisters, and creates a paradigm to which future book-lengt treatments of deities can aspire. The legacy of history and mythology is summarized in detail, while the concerns of more modern practical matters and the devotional needs of people in our own time are likewise given equal merit and concern in Morpheus´ text. One will find, here combined, the echoes of these words from scholars over the past century, and likewise the lessons from experience of a dedicated priestess whose engagement with This Goddess is ongoing. To say this is indispensable work for anyone interested in this topic would be an understatement! Rev. Dr. P. Sufenas Virius lupus
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